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General Information

Tanzania Ports Authority, like any other commercial entity, operates within the environment of the social economic web. It serves society in its economic activities and gets its revenues from the same. As such TPA has the obligation of sharing or returning through a strategic accountable arrangement a token of this revenue to society.

TPA’s Corporate Social Responsibility encompasses projects that are not for profit making. These projects must have a strong developmental approach and utilize company resources to benefit and uplift communities that are not primarily driven as marketing initiatives.

In order to support Government development initiatives, TPA shall focus its assistance to four main areas of health, education, social welfare and disasters. TPA takes cognizance of the need to be guided by a code of conduct which puts emphasis on Good Governance, Integrity/Trust, Reliability, Customer Care and Team Work. In this regard, TPA strives to become “A Stable Systematic Caring Organization” as stipulated in its value statement.

Every CSR undertaking, therefore, must have a purpose. It must be planned for its implementation, and it must be measurable. The CSR undertaking must be designed to allow TPA to create sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships with national and local communities.

The Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) therefore, shall only get involved with projects that enhance the capabilities of the target communities and contribute to their social and economic development.

TPA will undertake to make an impact on its communities and its employees alike that reflects the mutual relationship with those groups. This relationship is to assure the community a return for the sacrifice they make to ensure beneficial business operations in TPA.

Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) Corporate Social Responsibility Programs encompass projects that are not for profit making. These projects should have a strong developmental approach and utilize company resources to benefit and uplift communities that are not primarily driven as marketing initiatives.