Safety and Security
Safety Within Port
In order to promote safety and health within the Port areas it requires high discipline of all Port users. The following are the guidelines that shall be followed by obedience for safety purposes:

Safety Signs
Every employee should observe the safety signs allocated in different locations in the port areas. For example slippery sign, railway crossing, etc. Noncompliance to this can cause an accident/incident which will fall under TPA safety rules and disciplinary actions will be taken.
Obey the TPA Safety and Health policy, safety rules in order to improve your safety and health. Don’t exceed 20km per hour while driving within the Port area; In the Port Industrial and heavy machine are always on duty, so over speeding can cause accident.
You are not allowed to park on the rail ways and in so doing the risk is at yourself and property. Don’t block any road within the Port area in order to allow Emergency Fire Engine to go through while attending Emergency calls.
Safety Gears
All employees who will be working on handling operations of cargoes must be well informed or trained on how to work in the port areas, so that they can be able to prevent/protectthemselves against incidents/accidents. Use appropriate and safety gears at all times while at work in port operations. . These safety gears are like Reflector Vests, safety Boots/shoes, Helmets and others. Therefore every employee must wear personal protective equipment (PPE) all the time when they are in the port areas. Failure to do so will be against Tanzania Ports Authority Safety rules, and will result into punishment for non compliance.
Fire Extinguishing
Use appropriate fire extinguisher and make sure that the firefighting equipment is at the place where refueling is done, for easy and quick combating in case occurs at the said location. The type of fire extinguishers used must be DRY CHEMICAL POWDER or CARBON DIOXIDE or FOAM ONLY. The Fire Safety, Health and Environment Department will assign the Fire fighter to be standby during the operation.
If you find fire at any location of the port area try to extinguish it by using the available firefighting equipment and if the fire erupts big don’t fight using your fire extinguisher, you call Station Tel No. +255 2116287/0755 195896 or contact your supervisor or security through your radio call who will report the incidence/accident immediately to Fire Control room. Don't forget keep on shouting fire, fire, fire for to let the other understand and evacuate the area.
Refueling and Vehicles Starting
The intention of fueling motor vehicle shall be reported to the Port Manager and Fire Safety, Healthy and Environment Department. When arranging the operation for a day, the quantity of fuel expected to be used must be shown in the application letter to the Port Fire, Health and Environment Department. Remember fueling activities must be done at open places/spaces, (fire of evasive head), and appropriate fueling equipment like (fuel filling nozzles) should be used Ensure that there is no fuel spillage on the ground due to vehicle refueling process.
In case the area is spilled you must clean it. If the area is spilled and you did not clean it, TPA safety rules will be applied penalization. Make sure that the canisters used to carry fuel from the tanker to the vehicles are right designated ones as per fuel type, e.g. diesel or petrol. The refueling process that involve the same canister to be used to both petrol and diesel or vice versa will not be allowed, because this will lead to engine fuel system failure. Such kind of refueling process is contravention of the TPA Safety rules which will attract both penalties and compensation to the damaged car.
During the refueling the car's engine must be switched off, mobile phones should be kept switched off and smoking is also not permited. Separate all Vehicles carrying fueling containers from other motor vehicles and Separate all fuel containers from sparks emission (eg. batteries). When driving a car and find that, your car has got Fire please don’t enter any car yard or mix with others to avoid spreading of Fire to other cars.