Tanga and Other Northern Sea Ports

The Port of Tanga was built in 1914 initially to serve the commercial and agricultural needs of northern Tanzania, it is the longest-serving port in East Africa. A 354-km highway links it to its sister port Dar es Salaam in the South. Tanga port is situated on the northern coast of Tanzania.

Port Characteristics

SIZE  (Sqm) 170,000
DEPTH (M) 13
CAPACITY (MT) 3,000,000
Number of Berth 2
Length (Metres) 450
Draft (Metres) 13
Number of Storage Facilities  
Area Sqm 42,800
Annual Capacity (Million MT) 3
CFS holding  (Vehicles) (Mwambani) (msq) 60,000
Grain Facility (Tons)  
Inland container Deposits (ICDs) TEUs  
Single Point Mooring (SPM) (MT)  
Oil Jetty (MT) (Raskazone) 300,000
Chongoleani  Crude Oil Terminal (Under construction)  
Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM) 2
Mobile H/Crane(63 to 100 Tons)5 5
Reach Stacker (40 Tons) 3
Wheel Loader  ( 7 Tons) 2
Entry  and Exit point  2
  Heavy Forklift Trucks (16,25,50 Tons) 3
Terminal tractors 7
Baggage scanner  3
Scanner (1 Gantry and 1 Mobile) 2
Rubber Tired Gantry  (RTG) 1
Trailers 8
Fire Tender trucks 2
Empty Container Handler (12 Tons) 2
Mooring Boat 1
Hoppers 5
Grabs (Manual & Auto) 7
Pantoons for cargo transfer 5
Tug  Boat (17 to 70Ton Bollad Pull)6 6
Cargo Barges (2500 to 3500 Tons)                                                        5
Cargo Lighter (600 Tons) 1
 Weighbridge (40 to 100Ton) 4

Office of The Port Manager – Tanga

Tanzania Ports Authority
Independence Avenue,

P.O.Box 443,
Telephone: +255 (27) 2643078
Telephone: +255 (27) 2643068