Dar es Salaam Port

Dar es Salaam port is the Tanzania principal port with a rated capacity of 14.1 million (MT) dry cargo and 6.0 million (MT) bulk liquid cargo. The Port has a total quay length of about 2,600 metres with eleven deep-water berths. Dar es Salaam port handles about 95% of the Tanzania international trade. The port serves the landlocked countries of Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The port is strategically placed to serve as a convenient freight linkage not only to and from East and Central Africa countries but also to middle and Far East, Europe, Australia and America.

Port Characteristics

Size of the Port (sqm) 1,090,000
Depth (m) 14.5m
⁠Capacity (MT) --
⁠Number of Berth 12 berths,2 Oils jets and 1 SPM
⁠Quay Lenght (Meters) 2,600
Draft (Meters) 14.5 for Berth 0 - 7
Draft (Meters) 13.5 for Berth 8 - 11
LOA (Meters) 305
GRT 70,000MTs

Office of the Port Director – Dar es Salaam

Tanzania Ports Authority
One Bandari Road,
P.O. Box 1130,
Dar es Salaam,
Telephone: +255 (22) 2113642
Telephone: +255 (22) 2113648